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Tout ce qui a été posté par Dick ATTWELL

  1. he is a super horse i like him very much the last photo is super
  2. super photo's they are all super the black mare is very beautiful
  3. thankyou you klowé i hope he is not to afraid aswell but he will be ok......his little sister is doing very good i am very pleased with her she has a lot of feather to i will do some new photo's of her before the week end hopefully if not i will do some aftr i come back from england i promise (i go on saturday) Merci Klowé, j'espère aussi qu'il n'est pas apeuré, mais ça va petite soeur va très bien, je suis très contente d'elle, elle a beaucoup de fanons aussi. Je ferai de nouvelles photos d'elle avant la fin de la semaine j'espère, sinon quand je reviendrai d'angleterre, promis! (je pars dimanche)
  4. yes there are some young people in my village who would like to come but if some thing like that happened again hopefully it doesn't and they got hurt how could i tell there parents!!!!!!!!plus i could never forgive myself if some body got hurt when they were with me.... Oui, il y a des jeunes dans mon village qui aimeraient venir mais si quelquechose comme ça arrivait encore (j'espère que non) et qu'ils soient blessés comment je pourrais le idre à leurs parents! En plus je ne me le pardonnerais jamais si quelqu'un se blessait avec moi...
  5. he is a super colt he has nice markings and a nice sweet head
  6. he is a super colt he is just like his dad
  7. thank you for your concern it was very lucky but dont worry i will not give up i have bought a new cart today (second hand) i collect it next week in england as i am going to england on the week-end for a week i no it is dangerous to go alone but as i work long hours no body wants to come with me so if i want to brake him in i must do it alone.........hopefully rambo is not to scared next time but i will to see i will be very alert next time though..... Merci de votre intérêt, on a été très chanceux, mais ne vous en faites pas, je ne vais pas abandonné, j'ai acheté une nouvelle charrette aujourd'hui, je l'aurai la semaine prochaine en angleterre comme je vais là-bas pour une semaine. Je sais que c'est dangereux d'y aller seul, mais je travaille longtemps et personne ne veux venir avec moi donc si je veux le débourrer je suis obligé de le faire seul...Heureusement Rambo n'est pas trop effrayé, la prochaine fois mais je sais que je dois être très attentif le prochaine fois...
  8. Rambo has had an accident this morning i took him out on the cart he was going perfect but them 3 deers decided to jump out of the hedge in front of him i could not do any thing he je jumped in to a ditch luckily rambo was not injured but he has snapped my cart in half and that was a scarey experiance for me......... Rambo a eu un accident ce matin, je l'ai sorti avec la carriole, il était parfait, mais là 3 chevreuils ont décidé de sauter du buisson devant lui, je n'ai rien pu faire, ila sauté dans un fossé. Heureusement Rambo ne s'est pas blessé, mais il a cassé ma carriole en deux et ça a été une expérience effrayante pour moi...
  9. congrtulations she is super i like the markings and she has a sweet head
  10. she has changed a lot she has filled out nice she will make a nice mare
  11. he is super the more i see this colour the more i like it
  12. here are the rest of the photo's that is all of them sorry there is so many but i no you like lots of photo's lol
  13. Here are some photo's of rambo today there is more they will come soon rambo will be 2 in the spring
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