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Little Earthquakes

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Little Earthquakes

  1. Her sister ''Grace'' always tries to catch fish out of the water. I think Gem would like that also.
  2. Thank you for the pictures of my favorite girl! Ohohohoh what is she beautiful! I like everything of her: head, body, expression, ... . She is so lovely!
  3. Thank you for the actionphoto of Gem! I can see that she is very happy at your place. She has got a beautiful head and a very nice expression. Geert and I are so happy that she is living with you in Spain.
  4. Beautiful staffie! Very good front and what a beautiful head!!!
  5. Veggie est déjà prêt pour la fête d' Halloween!!! [img][/img] [img][/img]
  6. Je vous comprends trés bien. Ma soeur a aussi tout les temps son photo appareil chez elle. Elle prend les photos de tous. Même quand nous sommes dans une café et nous avons bu un peu beaucoup.
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