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Tout ce qui a été posté par Soleil05
sur le site flexpetz, cest ce qu'ils disent. tous les chiens viennent de refuges, peuvent être adoptés "à temps plein" et ont une famille "primaire" où ils vivent le reste du temps... moins pire qu'il ne semble à première vue... mais reste à voir si cest vrai * * * "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS This FAQ page is a constant "work in progress." if you have any questions or comments not addressed in this page, please email us at info@flexpetz.com and we will endeavor to reply and possibly add your questions/comments to this FAQ page. Where do FLEXPETZ dogs live when not with a member? FLEXPETZ dogs live in a home environment with a primary carer when not with members. Our dogs are active with their primary caregivers and love to frequent the beach, local dog parks and long walks several times daily through the beautiful cities where they live. Are FLEXPETZ dogs ever adopted? YES! We have already had a number of successful adoptions. This has happened after a member realizes that thanks to their FLEXPETZ membership, that they can have a dog fulltime . We anticipate a constant rotation of dogs being adopted out and new dogs entering the FLEXPETZ program. What happens when the dogs get old or sick? Our dogs are all 2 -5 years of age. We select these ages because the dogs have developed their personalities and have been properly socialized by this age. FLEXPETZ dogs are veterinary checked every 3 months and all veterinary fees and related expenses are covered by FLEXPETZ. If a FLEXPETZ dog becomes unable to continue within the FLEXPETZ program due to illness or ailment the dog would be provided for by FLEXPETZ for life and placed into a permanent home. Why would a person want to ‘share’ their pet? Many people work long hours, travel frequently or have housing/jobs/activities that are not dog-friendly. Our members realize that full-time dog ownership would be unfair to the dog and choose to be FLEXPETZ members instead. Are the dogs stressed by going home to home? FLEXPETZ dogs live with one primary carer and their pack of FLEXPETZ dogs where they happily play and are never kenneled. When FLEXPETZ dogs visit with members it always full of fun time! Members plan for the time with a FLEXPETZ dog and the dogs are loved and adored with undivided attention. Where do the dogs come from? All of our dogs are either rescued or rehomed. We carefully screen each dog for social skills, temperament, interest in befriending people, and ability to easily adapt to different people. We provide a happy, healthy life in our extended family structure. If a dog demonstrates he/she is owner dependent, skittish, or demonstrates a history of abuse/mistrust in humans we will help the rescue group or owner to adopt the dog out to one permanent home sensitive to the dog's unique needs. How many owners per dog? Each dog is different, and depends on what the dog demonstrates he/she can handle. How are the members screened? We gather a great deal of personal information from our potential members and meet all in person in the presence of a certified dog trainer. Each member participates in a training session and must be able to demonstrate sensitivity, compassion, patience and the desire to be a responsible dog owner. We also have each member sign documents stating he/she has not had any history of animal violence or abuse and a promissory note to treat all FLEXPETZ dogs with absolute respect. The first time a member wants to spend time with a FLEXPETZ dog, the dog is taken to the member's home which is checked by our FLEXPETZ facilitator. How do we make sure the dogs are properly fed/cared for? FLEXPETZ provides prepackaged and premeasured food for any time the FLEXPETZ dog will be in a member’s company. This maintains consistency of diet for our dogs and is another wonderful feature of FLEXPETZ membership. We also provide chew toys and instruct members never to feed our dogs any unapproved food or table scraps. Some treats are acceptable and must be okayed by our FLEXPETZ staff. Our dogs are carefully monitored and great attention is paid to eating habits, bowel movements, energy levels, unique personality traits and habits. We treat each dog as an individual and pass along detailed personal information to members in contact with the dog. Does FLEXPETZ have any other species? The FLEXPETZ family consists of dogs only. " source ; http://www.flexpetz.com/faq.html
Les chiens sont plus tannants l'automne?
Soleil05 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Jaelle1 dans Parlons chiens
je serais tentée de croire que cest la température qui chute ; les chiens ont plus envie de courrir car cest moins toride (la chaleur d'été les "écrase") alors que les maîtres deviennent plus pantouflards (et se préparent à hiberner )... ça peut jouer, non ?? ic les chiens sont comme d'habitude, mais il s'opère un certain changement de dynamique willy/nitya... cest plus une toute petite ma puce, et leurs rapports de jeu changent (jeu plus rough, plus de réplique, etc.) dans quelques mois on va vraiment avoir deux adultes à la maison, que ca passe vite ! ils sont encore des amours, malgré tous les bouleversements des derniers temps, ils suivent peu importe notre rythme et ils semblent bien heureux -
Quelques photos du SNAC 2008 - Québec
Soleil05 a répondu à un(e) sujet de JulieM1111 dans Nouvelles photos
toujours faire attention à ce que vous souhaitez...
Soleil05 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Marie-Claude111 dans Parlons chiens
toujours faire attention à ce que vous souhaitez...
Soleil05 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Marie-Claude111 dans Parlons chiens
toujours faire attention à ce que vous souhaitez...
Soleil05 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Marie-Claude111 dans Parlons chiens
Un autre élément de refléxion lors des éléctions....
Soleil05 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Tracdun dans Lois et réglementation
Qui est Sofie...( je peux enfin mettre sa photo )
Soleil05 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Tessa111 dans Familles d'accueil
Qui est Sofie...( je peux enfin mettre sa photo )
Soleil05 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Tessa111 dans Familles d'accueil