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Natural Meat Company (formerly Natural Valley Farms) in Neudorf, Saskatchewan, closed its doors in mid-February. No more horses are being slaughtered in that facility! According to the Director of Parliamentary Affairs for Canada, Natural Meat Company was shut down by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for food safety concerns. At this time we are attempting to clarify details surrounding the closure. Graphic evidence of animal welfare violations was documented at Natural Valley Farms in April/May 2008. This footage was released to CHDC by undercover investigators, and the concerns were aired on CBC's No Country for Horses the following month: . In September 2008, CHDC Western Region Director, Twyla Francois, filmed horse blood from the slaughter plant being illegally dumped on the banks of a nearby river: .
Chasse au phoque/Menace du ministre Stockwell Day
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Animal dans Archives
Le journaliste a mal rapporté les faits. Mélissa a bien dit que pour 6 millions de recettes, il y avait eu 200 millions en frais et subventions. En plus, l'ajout que cette manifestation n'est pas propre à la chasse au phoque, du fait que les manifestants sont végétariens, mais propre à une cause animalière est encore biaisé. Comme si seuls les végétariens s'opposaient à la chasse au phoque. Si c'était le cas, il n'y aurait pas de ban de la part de l'UE et les puppy mills continueraient à foissonner.
Deux poids, deux mesures : les chasseurs et les autres
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de hop dans ANIMAUX - Europe et autres continents
Des renards au plafond
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de hop dans ANIMAUX - Europe et autres continents
Manif de chasseurs
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de hop dans ANIMAUX - Europe et autres continents
N. PHELPS - L'approche exclusive : les animaux en font...
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de hop dans Archives
Premier colloque sur le droit animal à se tenir au Canada
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Caro18 dans Archives
une bien bonne nouvelle
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de terrienne dans ANIMAUX - Europe et autres continents
Israël se prononce contre la fourrure
animo-aequoanimo a posté un sujet dans ANIMAUX - Europe et autres continents
Nouveau projet de loi pour interdire l'industrie de la fourrure en Israël NEW BILL TO PROHIBIT THE FUR INDUSTRY IN ISRAEL Israel creates a precedent by submitting the world’s first nationwide bill “Prohibiting the Industry of Fur”. Knesset member Nitzan Horowitz proposed on March, 18th 2009 a bill to prohibit the fur industry in its entirety, including all importation, production and all sales in Israel; illuminating that his intention is "not to lend a hand to this cruelty towards animals.” In light of this bill, Israel takes a giant leap forward; from having no existing law concerning fur; to becoming the first nation on the planet to completely protect all fur bearing animals from the suffering and death inflicted upon millions of animals at the hands of the fur industry the world over. "The International Anti-Fur Coalition’ thanks MK Nitzan Horowitz for his proposal and we call all MKs to support this bill," said Jane Halevy, Director of the 'International Anti-Fur Coalition'. "We hope that Israel will inspire other countries and they too will propose comparable bills throughout the world". Last month, a report on Israel's channel 10, led by SPCA Israel and International Anti-Fur Coalition, had revealed that items from the top fashion chain stores to cheap toys in bazaars, that what was being sold as fake fur was indeed real fur. Lab tests had shown that several articles taken from leading Israeli brands and sold as fake fur were made of dog and rabbit fur! Each year millions of animals are brutally killed for their fur throughout the world. Animals live in tiny cages made only of wire, before being gassed, electrocuted or even skinned alive! Footage shows that some of them fight against death for up to 10 minutes in total anguish after being skinned alive! -
Quand la cause animale tue - Com. de presse chasseurs
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Eglise russe orthodoxe acclame le ban de la chasse au phoque
animo-aequoanimo a posté un sujet dans Archives The Russian Orthodox Church acclaims ban on hunting the Greenland seal calves Moscow, March 18, Interfax - Fr. Andrey Kurayev, a well-known Orthodox missionary deacon, acclaimed newly introduced Russia's ban on hunting calves of the Greenland seal, which reach the ices of the White Sea each spring to breed their calves. "If someone comes to Russia to procreate, this is really great! Why do we need to kill those, bread and born here? If the only thing we are able to do is turning everything around us into ashes, this is definitely not to our credit," Fr. Andrey told Interfax-Religion. Besides, he added, all witnesses said that you could go hunting the calves only intoxicated, because "if only you see a picture of a white-coat seal, you understand that it is impossible to kill this helpless creature with its eyes wide open when you are sober. If only you've got at least some fragments of feelings and ethics left, you will see nightmares long after the bloody event." "Should we support this enterprise which is undeserving of individuals and the nation and which can be done only under alcohol intoxication?" Fr. Andrey asked and expressed his happiness that such "drunken murders will finally stop." -
Quand la cause animale tue - Com. de presse chasseurs
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Journée Int. contre la chasse au phoque/UN SUCCÈS!!!
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Animal dans Archives
Produits du phoque : L'interdiction paraît inévitable
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Caro18 dans Archives
Journée Int. contre la chasse au phoque/UN SUCCÈS!!!
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Animal dans Archives
Quand la cause animale tue - Com. de presse chasseurs
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Le Conseil fédéral est ému par les phoques
animo-aequoanimo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Animal dans Archives