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Dimanche 29 mars 2009 Silence, on tue... par David Ruffieux L'anti-inflammatoire Vioxx, l'un des derniers médicaments retirés du marché, soupçonné d'avoir provoqué plus de 25 000 décès...Comment peut-on arriver à une telle situation? "Aucune expérience animale avec un médicament, même si elle est effectuée sur plusieurs espèces animales incluant des primates dans toutes les conditions imaginables, ne peut donner aucune garantie que le médicament agira de la même façon sur les gens." C'est Sir Ernst Boris Chain, prix Nobel de médecine, qui nous propose une explication. Beaucoup de substances a priori toxiques chez l'homme (cadmium, mercure, dioxines, pesticides/herbicides) peuvent augmenter la longévité chez les plantes et certains animaux. Certains antibiotiques et drogues anticancéreuses sont nocives à faible dose, plutôt qu'à dose thérapeutique. Les anticholinestérases peuvent augmenter les fonctions cognitives à faible dose mais les diminuent à plus fortes doses. Ceci implique la nécessité de contrôler avec une grande acuité les essais cliniques et d'éviter d'extrapoler trop vite les résultats des tests sur les animaux, des tests qui peuvent induire en erreur en se concentrant là où il ne faudrait pas. ... suite http://david-ruffieux.over-blog.fr/article-29632386.html
Discours entre le lion et la gazelle 30 mars 2009 par David Ruffieux On reconnaît le ton d’un carnivore dérangé dans sa tanière à ces formules: «Végétarien, t'es donc sérieux?» ou encore, «Es-tu en carence de protéines, c'est pas dangereux?» En effet, c'est tout un choc culturel qui vient de frapper l'ingénu questionneur, pour lequel il est difficile d'imaginer qu'on puisse vivre différemment. On trouve aussi ces omnivores, ceux qui aimerait goûter aux plaisirs végétariens, mais du bout des lèvres et pas en public, pour ne pas être vus des copains et des copines branchés et pour ne pas être à contre-courant de la pensée confortablement commune. Mais le carnivore, ainsi émoustillé, lutte intérieurement pour garder son sang-froid devant une telle revendication, car disons le tout net que c’est bon, la viande! J'ai fait maintes fois l'expérience d'un repas végétarien avec des non-végétariens dubitatifs, inquiets, anxieux, crispés, hésitants, mal à l'aise, et même parfois en proie à une volonté irrépressible d'articuler sans relâche, à en perdre haleine, la loi de la sélection naturelle, entre deux radis, sel et beurre... ... suite: http://david-ruffieux.over-blog.fr/
Discours entre le lion et la gazelle 30 mars 2009 par David Ruffieux On reconnaît le ton d’un carnivore dérangé dans sa tanière à ces formules: «Végétarien, t'es donc sérieux?» ou encore, «Es-tu en carence de protéines, c'est pas dangereux?» En effet, c'est tout un choc culturel qui vient de frapper l'ingénu questionneur, pour lequel il est difficile d'imaginer qu'on puisse vivre différemment. On trouve aussi ces omnivores, ceux qui aimerait goûter aux plaisirs végétariens, mais du bout des lèvres et pas en public, pour ne pas être vus des copains et des copines branchés et pour ne pas être à contre-courant de la pensée confortablement commune. Mais le carnivore, ainsi émoustillé, lutte intérieurement pour garder son sang-froid devant une telle revendication, car disons le tout net que c’est bon, la viande! J'ai fait maintes fois l'expérience d'un repas végétarien avec des non-végétariens dubitatifs, inquiets, anxieux, crispés, hésitants, mal à l'aise, et même parfois en proie à une volonté irrépressible d'articuler sans relâche, à en perdre haleine, la loi de la sélection naturelle, entre deux radis, sel et beurre... ... suite: http://david-ruffieux.over-blog.fr/
L'année dernière, avant l'ouverture officielle de la chasse (s'agissait-il de blanchons ??), on avait «prélevé» des coeurs d'au moins une centaine de bébés phoques pour un chercheur Grec... Ils ne savent plus quoi faire pour chercher à se débarrasser des «produits» du phoque et justifier leur massacre ! C'est lamentable !
Un embargo sur le phoque se profile en Europe BRUXELLES - L'Union européenne se rapproche d'un embargo sur les importations de produits dérivés du phoque, en signe de protestation contre les méthodes de chasse -- jugées cruelles -- de cette espèce, au risque d'un conflit commercial avec le Canada, premier pays visé. Lors d'une réunion vendredi à Bruxelles des représentants des 27 Etats de l'Union européenne, "une majorité suffisante s'est dégagée de la discussion en faveur d'une interdiction totale", a indiqué une source diplomatique. Ce coup de semonce intervient alors que la chasse annuelle aux phoques vient tout juste de s'ouvrir sur la côte atlantique canadienne, avec un quota de prises autorisé revu en hausse par le gouvernement à 338.000 animaux. Après plusieurs mois de discussions, "on a l'impression que les Etats européens sont prêts à choisir cette option à présent", a ajouté la source diplomatique. Une autre source a souligné que sept pays seulement avaient clairement exprimé leur opposition à un tel embargo lors du débat: la Suède et la Finlande, qui pratiquent eux-mêmes la chasse aux phoques à petite échelle sur leurs côtes, le Danemark, qui traditionnellement soutient le Groenland sur ce sujet, les trois Etats baltes (Lituanie, Lettonie et Estonie) et la Bulgarie. "Nous sommes très contents. Cela se présente bien pour nous en ce qui concerne la perspective d'avoir une interdiction d'importation dans l'UE", a réagi le représentant en Europe du Fonds international pour la protection des animaux (IFAW), Adrian Hiel. "Les enquêtes en Europe montrent toutes que les citoyens du continent veulent un embargo complet. Tout autre option, comme des dérogations en cas de conditions d'abattage améliorées, serait inopérante", a-t-il ajouté. A ce stade, l'avis des Etats de l'UE n'est qu'indicatif. La décision finale doit être prise dans les prochaines semaines après une concertation entre les gouvernements et le Parlement européens. Des discussions entre eux pour tenter de trouver un terrain d'entente doivent débuter en principe dès lundi à Bruxelles, avant un vote final du Parlement européen programmé le 22 avril. Mais la tendance semble à présent claire. Début mars, une commission du Parlement a donné le ton en se prononçant déjà en faveur d'une interdiction. Le projet d'embargo à l'étude ne tolèrerait que de rares exemptions, réservées "aux communautés inuits et indigènes" pratiquant une chasse locale assez facilement contrôlable, au Groenland, au Canada, en Sibérie et en Alaska. Un texte alternatif prévoyant d'autoriser les importations avec un système d'étiquetage pour garantir au consommateur que le produit acheté provient de phoques tués "sans souffrance inutile" n'a pas été retenu à ce stade. "Il est trop difficile de contrôler sur le terrain les méthodes de chasse à grande échelle comme au Canada pour voir si, par exemple, les animaux sont effectivement tués avant d'être dépecés", souligne un diplomate européen. Si l'UE concrétise bien son intention, elle s'expose à de potentiels recours devant l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). "Nous allons exercer nos pleins droits aux termes du commerce international si cela devient nécessaire", a récemment averti la ministre canadienne des Pêches, Gail Shea. Hors UE, les autres pays où cette chasse est pratiquée sont le Groenland, l'Islande, la Namibie, la Norvège, la Russie et les Etats-Unis. (AFP / 29 mars 2009 09h03)
Pathétique ! Elle a reçu une bonne réponse. Étrange qu'elle l'ait affiché ! « Mme Gladel, au moins les chasseurs européens vont manger leurs victimes tandis qu'ici, est-ce que la viande des 300,000 phoques abattu vont se retrouver dans l'assiette de ces mêmes chasseurs ?... » La réponse est NON bien sûr ! Ils ne veulent pas s'empoisonner !
Plus de 1,4 millions de poulets ont été tués dans le comté de Robertson, Texas, États-Unis, après la découverte d'une rare infection respiratoire chez ces oiseaux. Vétérinaires ont détecté chez les poulets une laryngotrachéite infectieuse ou ILT, dans des fermes du Texas, près de 6 et plus de 14 auTexas, il y a une semaine, selon Sanderson de Farms COO Lampkin Butts. "Pour arrêter la maladie, les oiseaux touchés et exposés sont abattus," a déclaré Bob Hillman de Texas Animal Health Commission et Directeur exécutif. Le virus n'est pas un danger pour les personnes, même si elles mangent la viande infectée par ce virus. Les fonctionnaires vétérinaires de la santé animale du Texas surveille l'abattage des oiseaux dans le comté de Robertson. Butts a dit que la viande provenant d'un autre euthanasiés 400.000 oiseaux (sic) ne seraient pas distribuée. Je tiens à assurer tous nos clients au Texas que ces oiseaux seront traitées selon l'USDA. Le virus n'a pas d'incidence sur la santé des consommateurs. Source: TheEagle.com Source 23/03/2009
March 27, 2009 More than 300 gorillas butchered each year in the Republic of Congo During 2008 and early 2009, Endangered Species International (ESI) conducted monitoring activities using undercover methods at key markets in the city of Pointe Noire, the second biggest city in Congo. Findings reveal that 95 percent of the illegal bushmeat sold originates from the Kouilou region about 100-150 km northwest to Pointe Noire where primary and unprotected rainforest still remains. The Kouilou region is one the last reservoirs of biodiversity and endangered animals in the area. Gorilla is among many endangered species sold illegally in markets. Gorilla is sold in the form of smoked meat already cut in pieces. A piece of hand size smoked gorilla is usually sold for 2,500 CFA (6 USD). ESI has estimated about 300 gorillas butchered a year for the bushmeat market in Pointe Noire. Pierre Fidenci, head of Endangered Species International, says that gorilla illegal market trade is thriving in Congo and the mass arrival of the Chinese in search of natural resources will exacerbate illegal hunting for rare and endangered species. If the present trend in forest exploitation continues in Kouilou, most edible endangered wildlife — including great apes — will vanish within a few years in this region. Examples of frequent wildlife species observed by a local ESI team led by Franck Makoundi, included mandrill, African rock python, spotted hyaena, great blue turaco, Nile monitor, and black-and-white-casqued hornbill. http://news.mongabay.com/2009/0327-esi_bushmeat.html
Bear Market: Bile Brought into LA for Sale Updated 5:38 PM PDT, Fri, Mar 27, 2009 Related Topics: Seongja Hyun Authorities say a woman was allegedly planning to sell bear bile in the Los Angeles area. A South Korean woman was charged Friday with violating federal animal protection laws by importing bear bile, harvested in China and worth tens of thousands of dollars, for sale in the Los Angeles area. Seongja Hyun was arrested late Thursday after U.S. Customs agents intercepted a package containing four bags of a dark, crystalline substance believed to be bear bile, the U.S. Attorney's Office reported. Bear bile, which is extracted from living bears kept in captivity on farms, often in Korea, China and Vietnam, is used in traditional Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac and a treatment for an array of ailments. Hyun allegedly admitted she was selling bear bile to others in the Korean community in Los Angeles. The substance is usually taken in capsule form, and sells for about $40,000 per kilogram in the U.S., experts said. However, Hyun allegedly told investigators she was planning to sell all the bile in her possession -- nearly a kilo -- for no more than $4,000. Extraction of the bile involves inserting a tube into the bear's gallbladder, and eventually causes the death of the animal from associated causes, according to court papers. The investigation into Hyun began last Monday, when the package labeled "food items" was seized at a postal facility in San Francisco. Along with the apparent bile, authorities uncovered empty vials and labels for bear bile, according to an affidavit in support of the criminal complaint. The package was then sent under controlled delivery to Hyun at an address in Koreatown, where she later said she was living with her fiance, the court document states. On Thursday, Postal and Customs agents observed Hyun take delivery of the package, executed a search warrant of the South Berendo Street unit and interviewed the woman through a Korean translator, according to the affidavit. During the search, agents allegedly found additional bear bile, vials and packaging, and placed Hyun under arrest. Hyun was scheduled to make her initial federal court appearance Friday for the purpose of appointing an attorney. The date of her next court appearance was not immediately available. If convicted of illegal importation of wildlife, Hyun faces a maximum statutory sentence of 20 years in federal prison, said U.S. Attorney Thomas P. O'Brien. Bears are protected under an international treaty signed by more than 150 countries to provide protection to endangered fish, wildlife and plants. In the U.S., the treaty is implemented by the Endangered Species Act, which only allows the importation of bear products if the country of origin has issued a foreign export permit and the U.S. has granted an import permit, O'Brien said.
Une chasse vient de se terminer et une autre commence ... p.s.; Regardez le magnifique blanchon photographié aux Iles-de-la-Madeleine mercredi en pleine chasse... A young harp seal rests on the ice floes during the annual East Coast seal hunt in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence around Quebec's Iles de la Madeleine on Wednesday.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Andrew Vaughan SYDNEY, N.S. — A small seal hunt has officially opened off Cape Breton, but the federal Fisheries Department says ice conditions could keep sealers away. ... http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5g5Sxnj567j8w9pCcYt3fMEahS-Fw ...
"The Face on your Plate: The Truth about Food" by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson By Susan Salter Reynolds | Tribune Newspapers March 21, 2009 Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson wants to help all meat eaters wake up from their denial. He wants to prepare us for what he describes as a "transformative moment," when we look at the meat or animal product on our plate (fish, fowl, mammal, egg, milk, cheese) and acknowledge that it came from a living being, capable, he has no doubt, of suffering and happiness. Masson hopes, with all his heart, that we will say, "Ew, yuck" like children when they are first told that the drumstick is actually a leg, the tongue is really a tongue, the bacon was once a pig like Wilbur in "Charlotte's Web." It's a challenge to create transformative moments with books, but he does it. Pages lack the physical threat, the shock of the Buddhist master's stick on the back to wake up the wayward meditator. They lack the drumbeat. Words travel, so often, through the head on their long journey to the heart. Masson is a wise, clear writer, but it doesn't hurt, while reading this important book, to look at the image of the young cow on the cover, or the 67-year-old author's healthy photo on the back flap. Here's how Masson builds his argument: First, we've been fed a myth of humans as hunters; structurally, we lack the teeth, the jaw and the digesting enzymes of carnivores. A false sense of our uniqueness as humans, as opposed to true understanding of our animal nature and the fact that we share more than 95 percent of our DNA with some animals, has allowed us to deny their suffering or to rationalize killing them for food as their subservient role on the planet. Second, supporting agribusiness—which is responsible for three-fourths of the nitrous oxide emissions and two-thirds of the methane gas in our atmosphere, and the killing of animals—contributes more to global warming and toxicity in our environment than any other human activity. Third, and many people know this by now, meat is not good for humans. We can get our protein elsewhere and our B vitamins from supplements. Finally, the happiness of animals matters. Denying our instinct—the voice that tells us this when we eat animals, when we hear about how they are raised and mistreated—is unhealthy for us. Masson does not hold back here; he is hard even on organic food proponents such as Barbara Kingsolver, whose book "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life" included sections on animal slaughter that Masson found offensively cavalier. He depends, in his own life, on the Buddhist concept of "ahimsa," or non-violence, and in the effort to live without causing harm. Masson began his public life as a Sanskrit scholar. After reading Freud's letters on child sexual abuse, he wrote extensively about Freudian psychoanalysis. In the past two decades, he has written several books on the emotional lives of animals: elephants, farm animals, cats and dogs. He grew up in Los Angeles, the son of two vegetarians, and moved in and out of vegetarianism. He has been vegan for many years and offers his own experience (including what he eats on an average day) here. "The Face on Your Plate" is one of many books by scholars, scientists, fiction writers, animal-rights activists, environmentalists and journalists (Kingsolver, Michael Pollan, Peter Singer, Theo Colborn, Alice Waters, Jane Goodall, Marion Nestle, Carl Honore and Eric Schlosser, to name a few) written in the past few years that implore readers to consider and reimagine how what they eat affects not just their own health but also the health of the Earth. Each has a different slant—eat local, buy organic, and so forth. Masson's aim is a life with a purpose; his interests follow a powerful trajectory that has led him here, bringing everything to bear on the certainty that eating meat is cruel and immoral. He's not mincing words. Los Angeles Times The Face on Your Plate The Truth about Food By Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson W.W. Norton, 288 pages, $24.95 http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/booksmags/chi-0321-face-on-the-platemar21,0,4398054.story
4,300 bovins abattus et des centaines de tonnes de viande détruites en Irlande Culling of 4,300 healthy cattle in Northern Ireland Mar 22, 2009 The culling and disposal of thousands of cattle which ate feed contaminated with dioxins has begun at a processing plant in Ireland The cull marks the final phase of a cross border food alert which resulted in many pork products being withdrawn from shops at the end of last year. In addition, more than 4,300 cattle and hundreds of tons of meat will be destroyed. The cull could last three weeks and will cost the executive millions of dollars. Rendering and disposal of animal carcases and withdrawn meat products will be carried out by Glenfarm Holdings in Glenavy. Farmers who had initially been told they would receive nothing for their animals will now receive about 70% of their market value. Speaking at a north south ministerial meeting in Dublin, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Michelle Gildernew said her officials would continue to work closely with their Irish counterparts. "We have agreed to strengthen our cooperation in dealing with major incidents of this nature and requested our officials to review and if necessary, revise the existing arrangements," she said. http://beefmagazine.com/markets/0323-culling-northern-ireland/
C'est au Nouveau-Brunswick DALHOUSIE - A dozen of the 36 dogs seized in a raid near Bathurst recently ended up at the Restigouche Co. SPCA shelter here. Enlarge Photo Bill Clarke/Tribune SPCA worker Brenda Legacy comforts a pregnant Scottish terrier that was seized during a recent puppy mill raid in the Bathurst area. The animal was malnourished and had serious skin problems. The puppy mill raid was carried out by the Bathurst and New Brunswick SPCAs assisted by Restigouche. Seized animals were placed in shelters around the province. Of the 12 taken to Dalhousie, seven were pregnant females. They included two St. Bernards, a cocker spaniel, Scottish, Jack Russell and fox terriers, a cocker spaniel and mixed breeds. Some have been placed in foster homes, either because they need special attention or to help socialize them. Kathy Vautour, shelter manager, said that the dogs were in various states of neglect. Most were emaciated. Some showed signs of frost bite, or had matted coats and various sores on their skins. ... http://tribunenb.canadaeast.com/news/article/613744
http://www.winnipegsun.com/news/canada/2009/03/27/8900926-sun.html A Liberal senator who was flooded with thousands of e-mails from anti-seal hunt protesters is threatening to refer one woman's bombardment to the RCMP. Yoine Goldstein, a senator from Quebec who is set to retire in two months, said he received so many e-mails they crashed his BlackBerry. He's not the only one. Senators report receiving 6,000 to 80,000 e- mails from people protesting the seal hunt. But Goldstein may be the only senator who has threatened to call the cops on a letter writer for jamming his inbox. "I have asked you politely to remove me from your list. You have ignored my polite request. Would you prefer that I ask the RCMP to deal with it?," he wrote to Louise McGannon, a resident of South Dakota. McGannon said she was "frightened" when she received his response. "I was really scared. He threatened me with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police," she said. She fears the Mounties will come after her and hasn't sent any e-mails since receiving Goldstein's response. 'VERY CRUEL' She admits she isn't sure how Canada's system works -- she has been e- mailing every senator for the past two years, but has not contacted any MPs. "I'm just an individual who thinks this is very, very cruel and would love to see it end. It makes me sick to my stomach," she said. Goldstein said he made the RCMP comment after receiving 30 e-mails from the same person in three days. "I was outraged," he said. Goldstein, who has a bill in the Senate to get rid of spam, thinks people should be able to communicate with parliamentarians, but not like this. "I felt I was being personally abused," he said. Newfoundland Sen. George Baker said he has received at least 25,000 e- mails. He said he doesn't read them. "Do you think I'm crazy? They are deleted with a click of a button," he said. Liberal Sen. Celine Herveux-Payette, a defender of the hunt, described the e-mail campaign as "intimidation." "Do you think parliamentarians will make decisions according to the number of e-mails?" she said. The Senate recently refused a proposal by Liberal appointee Mac Harb to hold a debate on how the seal hunt affects Canada's reputation abroad. Undeterred, he continues to table daily petitions. And as far as the RCMP comment? Not appropriate, said Harb. "Senators should receive all the mail." http://www.winnipegsun.com/news/canada/2009/03/27/8900926-sun.html
Barn Fire Claims Numerous Animals Last Edited: Thursday, 12 Mar 2009, 12:04 AM EDT Bob Barnard LEESBURG, Va. - Fire in a barn Wednesday morning at a Loudoun County fox hunting club killed three horses and 17 dogs. More than 50 fox hounds that were in the barn survived the fire. Six had to be hospitalized. Five others that were burned will be cared for at the club. Loudoun County fire officials say it appears the fire was an accident. The property's caretaker Kevin Palmer who runs Fairfax Hunt Club says he was told by investigators the fire started in old refrigerator in the barn. Dozens of the Palmer's friends and neighbors came by to see for themselves what happened. Kevin and daughter Tabitha Palmer say the tried to save the horses and all of the dogs but the heat and flames were just too intense. At mid-day, they buried the horses and hounds in a wooded area behind the barn. The property is called Red Hill Farm. It's on Stone School Lane just outside Leesburg. http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/031109_barn_fire_claims_numerous_animals ----------------------- 11 Goats Killed In Washington County Barn Blaze Updated: 12:58 pm EDT March 13, 2009 SOUTH FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, Pa. -- Firefighters were called to a barn fire Friday morning in Washington County where almost a dozen goats were trapped inside. The blaze broke out shortly before 11 a.m. along Alamae Lakes Road in South Franklin Township. Authorities said animals were heard panicking as the fire tore through the barn. In all 11 goats, including four mothers and seven babies, died in the fire. The owners of the land said the barn is completely burned out. She told Channel 11 News that the animals were like children to her. There is no word on what caused the blaze. Authorities are investigating. http://www.wpxi.com/news/18924117/detail.html
Pennsylvania Barn Fire Kills 10,000 Turkeys March 10, 2009 E-mail this Article Post Comment Print this Article Article Reprints A fire has killed 10,000 turkeys inside a central Pennsylvania barn. John Zechman of the Beaver Springs Fire Company says the 300-foot-long barn was engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived overnight Friday. He says the fire is not considered suspicious. No injuries have been reported. The fire happened in Adams Township, about 50 miles northwest of Harrisburg in Snyder County. ___ http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/east/2009/03/10/98548.htm
Copenhague Pig farm fire has sent almost fifty people to hospital Tuesday, 24 February 2009 20:41 KR News Officials are still investigating the cause of a blaze in Jutland that released toxic fumes from burning fertiliser A violent fire last night at pig farm near the south Jutland town of Kolding killed 200 piglets and sent 45 emergency personnel and local residents to hospital for observation after inhaling toxic fumes. The rest of the 2,500 pigs were evacuated to nearby farms as a cloud of poisonous smoke settled over the area. The emergency services warned residents to stay indoors as 300 tonnes of fertiliser was consumed by the fire, causing the toxic smoke. The 45 people admitted to Kolding Hospital were exhibiting symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath. They are being treated with oxygen and medication to prevent more serious symptoms from developing and will be kept under observation for 24 hours. The hospital was forced to open extra wards and call additional medical staff to cover the influx of patients. Other regional hospitals in Vejle and Esbjerg have agreed to take some patients to ease the capactiy problem at the Kolding facility. Public broadcaster DR reports that police advised anyone in the area with similar symptoms to seek medical attention. The fire services have successfully extinguished the blaze, the cause of which is not yet known. http://www.cphpost.dk/news/local/87-local/44867-pig-farm-fire-has-sent-almost-fifty-people-to-hospital.html
Publié le 18 février 2009 à 09h46 | Mis à jour le 18 février 2009 à 09h48 Une porcherie flambe à Saint-Calixte : 1100 porcs tués Photos : L'incendie de Saint-Calixte Les pompiers ont tenté de maîtriser le brasier, mais ils n'ont rien pu faire pour les 1000 bêtes. Photo: Patrick Sanfaçon, La Presse Karim Benessaieh La Presse Réjean Villemaire commence à trouver que le sort s'acharne sur la ferme familiale. Pour la deuxième fois en neuf ans, l'éleveur de porc de Saint-Calixte, dans Lanaudière, a vu les flammes ravager sa porcherie ce matin. Les 200 truies et les 800 porcelets ont tous péri. Debout devant le brasier que quelque 30 pompiers venaient de maîtriser, M. Villemaire, 61 ans, portait encore son pyjama sous son manteau court, malgré le froid. «J'ai eu mon choc ce matin en me levant, mais là, ça va. Je suis fataliste.» L'incendie s'est déclenché vers 7h. Le système de chauffage au propane serait responsable de la naissance des flammes qui se sont rapidement propagées à l'ensemble du bâtiment. Le panache de fumée était visible à des kilomètres à la ronde. Les pompiers de toute la région, de Sainte-Julienne à Saint-Esprit, ont été appelés en renfort. Leur intervention a permis de circonscrire l'incendie à un seul bâtiment, le reste de la ferme ayant été épargné. La porcherie appartient à deux frères, Réjean et Jules Villemaire, qui ont hérité de l'exploitation familiale. En 2000, un premier incendie avait ravagé les installations. « Ç'avait été un choc, c'était vraiment l'édifice ancestral que leur avait laissé notre père », raconte Éliane Villemaire, la soeur des propriétaires. «Un incendie aux neuf ans. Coudonc... C'est dur.» La porcherie sera-t-elle reconstruite? Au bord de la retraite, les deux frères entendent laisser leurs deux héritiers décider. «C'est la relève qui va choisir, mais au premier coup d'oeil, je dirais qu'oui, ils vont reconstruire. Et je vais être là pour les aider.» http://www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/quebec-canada/justice-et-faits-divers/200902/18/01-828578-une-porcherie-flambe-a-saint-calixte-1000-porcs-tues.php
11:07 - vendredi 13 février 2009 Moutiers : 200 porcelets périssent dans un incendie Ce matin, vers 8 h, un incendie s'est déclaré dans une porcherie de Moutiers, au lieu-dit "Les Ballues". Une défaillance du système électrique semble être à l'origine du feu. Sur les 300 porcelets de l'élevage, 200 ont péri. Vers 10 h 30, les sapeurs-pompiers se sont rendus maîtres du sinistre. http://www.ouest-france.fr/ofdernmin_-Moutiers-200-porcelets-perissent-dans-un-incendie_-825079--BKN_actu.Htm
Une porcherie détruite à Saint-Calixte par Jean Joubert Article mis en ligne le 18 février 2009 à 11:50 La bâtisse est une perte totale.Photo : Annick Normand Une porcherie détruite à Saint-Calixte Les pompiers de Saint-Calixte ont répondu à une alerte générale tôt ce matin afin de combattre un incendie dans une porcherie située dans le rang 4. Les flammes ont complètement rasé la bâtisse. On ignore pour l’instant les causes de l’incendie. Plus de détails au cours des prochaines heures. http://www.laction.com/article-304834-Une-porcherie-detruite-a-SaintCalixte.html