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Tout ce qui a été posté par hop

  1. hop


    Aucune dans le tas n'est vraiment très énergique enfin, on en est venu à bout de ce ménage -grâce à vos encouragements à bientôt
  2. hop


    Coucou les filles :D Bonne journée à vous ! Moi, faut que j'me mette au ménage
  3. hop


    Pouh ! le mal est fait. Je sais déjà plus qui j'suis :shaking2: :shaking:
  4. hop


    Sur -------------------------------------- Bonsoir, Les forums de la Rage ( et de (ici même) ont décidé de se réunir afin de créer un unique forum de protection animale. Ce forum permettra de réunir nos forces pour être plus efficace dans la cause qui nous touche tous : la défense des animaux. Etre uni est important pour un travail efficace et améliorer la contribution de tous les défenseurs des animaux. Je souhaite la bienvenue à tous les membres et visiteurs de la RAGE qui vont nous rejoindre, et espère que ce forum répondra à vos attentes. Je demande par la même occasion à tous les membres de ce forum de réserver le meilleur accueil à ces derniers (ce dont je ne doute pas). Suite à cette réunification, Rage, administratice du forum de la Rage, est placée comme modératrice du forum. Bienvenue à tous ! Que cette unification soit favorable aux animaux. _________________
  5. Une couverture en mousse PVC va recouvrir le Gurschen, glacier suisse, pour le protéger des rayons du soleil. Un glacier suisse au frais
  6. La Brazilian national oil company PetroBras va bientôt construire une route de 54 km, jusqu'au coeur du parc National Yasuni, (forêt amazonienne- Equateur) dans une zone relativement protégé jusqu'ici. Lettre d'opposition à signer en ligne :
  7. Très très beau travail de traduction Catou :D :thumright: (Je ne suis pas sûre de trop "adhérer"à son propos, mais ça, c'est un autre problème... Je relirai à tête reposée)
  8. Ce n'est pas une spécialité québécoise
  9. Fighting Back: Crimes of Resistance Rod Coronado It’s been a full year for the merry hunt saboteurs of Arizona Earth First! in which my hopes of documenting the Fall trophy hunting seasons in this beautiful state were realized. We did it with very little money and even less people, but together our small collective from Chuk’shon Earth First! and Phoenix Earth First! demonstrated what is still possible for a handful of individual activists willing to bend the rules set by our opponents. And thanks to our efforts I’d like to believe life was enjoyed a little while longer by the black bears, mountain lions, prairie dogs, elk, mule deer, antelope, sandhill cranes and desert bighorn sheep that we spared from the hunter’s gun’s and arrows. Though the sight of sandhill cranes veering away from the hunters’ blinds, and the failure of the USDA’s Wildlife Services and the Arizona Game and Fish Department to kill lions in Sabino Canyon was truly remarkable, it did not come without a price. While 2004 marked my fifth year out of prison, it was also the year that finally saw my re-arrest by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Something those bastards have been trying to do since 1999, when I walked out of the gates of the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson. My arrest wasn’t unexpected. As with many a practitioner of nonviolent civil disobedience, my actions were taken with a full understanding of the consequences I faced should I be arrested for opposing and interfering with this occupying government’s efforts to kill mountain lions last March. When it came down to the lions versus the combined guns, snares, ground sensors, helicopters, hounds and 4x4 trucks of taxpayer-supported professional hunters, I found out who were the lions’ real friends and who really believed in animal liberation and deep ecology. Like many a direct action I have participated in, the people I patrolled that canyon with are some of the bravest and most beautiful people I know. It’s for these reasons my friends and I are now being threatened with seven years in federal prison. Because a few of us were not willing to sit back and watch as our public lands and wildlife were destroyed to once again assuage human fears of the uncontrollable wild in a never-ending invasion. And I was, still am and always will be proud to be able to take such a stance against overwhelming odds when the people and places I love are being threatened or destroyed. It is with such honor, that I snuck into Sabino Canyon night after night, past federal officers patrolling for native wildlife whose only offense was not enough fear of humans and continuing to hunt in their occupied homelands. When we choose to be warriors of the Earth and her Animal Nations we accept that it might be our own lives and freedom that are one day threatened or taken away. That is the way for every generation of warrior and protector whose duty it is to protect home and family. So with another year comes another battle. I’m not worried about what’s going to happen to me, I’ve been to prison before. What I fear while I’m doing my time is Arizona Game & Fish and the USDA’s Wildlife Services returning to Sabino Canyon and the Coronado National Forest to kill lions. What is going to happen to the world when members of society are no longer brave enough to act against the worst sanctioned violence of our generation? When those of us aware of horrible things are too frightened to do anything about them? I guess we’re living it while others continue to die for it. Be it against Huntington Life Sciences, Pacific Lumber or any other violent thugs in this supposed civilized society, now is the time for good people to make a difference. As I’ve said before, I’m proud to be an enemy of the United States. The enemy of a global invader that allows terrorism to happen on a daily basis. A regime that routinely allows not only the torture of animals in its licensed and regulated laboratories, but people in its military concentration camps as well. I’m not surprised by any of this behavior, its what you come to expect from people who since their arrival have always used violence and terror to achieve their objectives. The only thing that surprises me about it all is that there are not more of the many people I have met over the last twenty years of this struggle fighting here beside me. While a couple of those dear comrades sit in prison or are under federal indictment, many more hide amongst the society responsible for the violence we oppose, enjoying the privileges won with the very kind of terror they supposedly oppose. So this is my question to you. How bad do things have to get before you are willing to fight back? And I’m not talking about anything you do in front of a computer or that involves music bands, pamphlets, puppets or patches, I’m talking about fighting back as if it was your own life under attack. Its not about who else is doing it among movements, groups or friends, when will you be ready to be the first? To do what the law says is wrong, but what you know in your heart is right. That has been and always will be the way peoples’ voices are heard, not through doing what is popular and polite, but a stand that however unpopular, allows you to exist as a part of a solution to it all, a life free from the liberal first world guilt felt by the aware but apathetic within different movements for social change. A stand that says to one and all, that you as one human being will not allow injustice to go unchallenged, despite the threatened consequences by those perpetuating it. I have no regrets for what I have done. In Sabino Canyon, in the ancient coastal redwood forests being destroyed by Pacific Lumber, in the experimental laboratories of many universities, in the fjords of Iceland. Everywhere and every time I physically decommissioned the weapons and tools of life’s destruction, I have no regrets. Other than to wish that every snare set for a lion was destroyed, all logging equipment in the redwood forests was sabotaged, every animal torture chamber burnt to the ground and every whaling vessel sent to the ocean’s bottom. The U.S. Attorney’s office can try to do whatever the hell they want with me, but they won’t ever have an ounce of my respect or hear a word of remorse for what I’ve done and will continue to do. I’ll be going before another federal judge, but so will their professional killers. We’ll let the jury decide who is guilty of threats and intimidation. And even if they say it was the only people in Sabino Canyon without guns, I still swear that they will never stop me from fighting for my animal relations. We have nothing to be ashamed of for such direct actions. Unlike the people and institutions those actions are intended to stop. The people whose daily job it is to poison, trap and kill mountain lions, to chainsaw thousand-year old trees, cut, maim, burn and poison animals in laboratories or slaughter the Earth’s largest and last great whales. Those are the people I call criminals and terrorists. The people whose behavior I believe sets the worst example to my son and other future generations who will inherit the world we have created and the kind of behavior that truly courageous people need to stop. We know who our enemies are, now its time to reveal who our true friends are. When we join the centuries-old sacred resistance to the destruction of all life on Earth, we join legions of oppressed, be they human or non-human who have died, willingly and unwillingly, fighting for the very things you and I now believe in and fight for. It is those spirits we fill our hearts with when we stand as they have, against the enemies of all life. And it is with their spirit that we discover how victory can be ours again, when we break free and are brave enough to fight for our beliefs. That is what it means to be a warrior. To stand fast in defense of land, people and culture no matter what the costs. It is a proud tradition and one that I wish more of us claiming to be representatives of Mother Earth and her peoples were honored to fulfill. from No Compromise Issue 26
  10. ça colle bien avec son comportement infantile et irresponsable !
  11. J'ai été fouiner un peu, c'est vrai que c'est plein d'informations et en sortant j'ai fait log-out comme on m'a dit ! :D
  12. C'est ce que j'essaie de faire. J'ai du boulot, mais je m'offre des pauses ici et là pour observer ce petit monde en effervescence. Dieu, moins 30 °! Au bout d'une semaine de moins 6/moins 2, je trouvais que ça commençait à faire long. C'est pas tellement le dehors qui m'embête, mais la maison qui n'est pas confortable par ces températures. Bon, je vais remettre des bûches dans le feu !
  13. Do, j'ai reçu les cartes. Elles sont vraiment jolies ! :D Elles sont arrivées en même temps qu'un avant-goût de printemps. Hier, il faisait 1°, aujourd'hui 10° et beaucoup sont les insectes qui tentent une petite sortie : abeilles noires, guêpes et même papillons ! bonne journée à vous toutes et à +
  14. Ben voilà ; vous avez trouvé la porte-parole d'Aequo Animo ! :D
  15. hop

    post-it etc.

    Ah Tout de même ! :D Bon, ben j'vous dis bonne soirée. Quant à moi, je crois que je vais pas faire long feu devant mon PC. :sleep: à bientôt
  16. hop

    post-it etc.

    à + Animo Tu es rétablie ?
  17. hop

    post-it etc.

    Merci Animal, :D je vais aller faire ça alors à plus tard
  18. Coucou toutes, Je voudrais mettre un message pour la SMAL. Pourrais-je la mettre en post-it ou annonce (je ne sais pas la différence) ou est-ce qu'il y en a déjà trop ? bonne journée et à plus tard
  19. hop

    Nos bulletins...

    Tant mieux alors prend bien soin de toi !
  20. hop

    Débats des jeunes

    Bienvenues mouch mouch et gaïa C'est encourageant de voir les commentaires de jeunes végétariens ! Mais, par ailleurs, on voit aussi tout le boulot d'information qu'il y a à faire : "ne plus manger de viande nuirait à l'écosystème" "un boeuf meurt plus noblement à l'abattoir qu'une gazelle etc." "les animaux ont toujours été mangé...", "c'est en accord avec l'ordre naturel..."
  21. hop

    Nos bulletins...

    Bonjour les filles, j'ai encore eu du mal à me connecter depuis hier. j'arrive pas non plus à envoyer des mails. + coupure de courant sans arrêt, c'est souvent comme ça quand il neige (et parfois quand il pleut et aussi quand il y bcp de vent, bref...c'est l'Aveyron ) il faudra me donner une idée de ce que "bref" veut dire :D bon, je vais aller voir un peu ce qu'il se passe sur le forum bonne journée à toutes et guéris vite, animo
  22. hop


    Comme tu veux. Le tout c'est que le thème de l'expérimentation soit mis un peu "en évidence".
  23. hop


    Pour la liste no vivisection, comme le modérateur de son côté et moi du mien essayons de faire qu'il n'y ait plus de message hors sujet, il faudrait présenter la chose différemment : commencer sur le sujet de la vivisection et poursuivre sur l'exploitation animale sous toutes ses formes.
  24. hop

    Coucou buteo

    Faites plein de beaux rêves ! à demain
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