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Tout ce qui a été posté par Dick ATTWELL

  1. if i am not mistaken this is her brother /les-poulains-f9/nessie-x-blue-lord-16-mai-photos-p2-t7874-15.htm
  2. thank you but her cut is not kept open she is in bandage up to the top of her leg with a metal plate so she can not bend her leg i took the photos when my vet came to change the bandage he wash's the cut and put some products on the cut before closing it up again Merci mais sa coupure n'est pas à l'air libre, elle a un bandage jusqu'en haut de la jambe et une plaque en métal qui l'empêche de plier sa jambe, j'ai pris les photos quand le véto est venu pour changer le bandage, il lave et met des produits dessus avant de remettre la bande
  3. seb "coup de coeur" means 'my favorite' or it could mean " love at first sight "
  4. i dont know if they have a flaxen mane or not..... arn't they born with a white mane or does it change?????????
  5. here are some more photos of angel taken today
  6. my vet came today to change the bandages and is pleased with it so far here are a few photos Mon véto est venu aujourd'hui, il a changé les bandages et est contente de l'évolution jusqu'à maintenant voilà quelques photos Spoiler:
  7. she is super like to see more photos
  8. she is a super filly i under stand why you want to keep her
  9. he is turning into a super stallion you can see he is related to the lottery horse
  10. they are 2 very good fillies but i think i like roxanne more
  11. yes i am glad to have her at home my vet is coming tomorrow to clean and change the bandage so i will let you know how she is doing tomorrow
  12. i have collected Daisy from the clinic today she is doing well she has her leg in all bandaged up with a metal plate so she can not bend her leg she must stay stabled for at least 3 months and must not run Je l'ai ramenée aujourd'hui de la clinique, elle va bien, son membre est entièrement bandé avec une plaque en métal pour qu'elle ne le plie pas, elle doit rester au box pendant au moins 3 mois et ne pas courir
  13. hello michael you can write in english if you want there is a translator on here klowé who will translate it from english to french
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