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Tout ce qui a été posté par amelie111
Jonajane Heza Solo & Action Doggy Dog Chilli tickle
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de action doggy dog dans Portées / Geboortes
Balade sur une plage du Morbihan
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de amelie111 dans Sorties, balades / uitstappen, wandelingen
Balade sur une plage du Morbihan
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de amelie111 dans Sorties, balades / uitstappen, wandelingen
Balade sur une plage du Morbihan
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de amelie111 dans Sorties, balades / uitstappen, wandelingen
Balade sur une plage du Morbihan
amelie111 a posté un sujet dans Sorties, balades / uitstappen, wandelingen
samedi soir .. pizza sur la plage ! LOL ... elle était bonne la tienne Pome ? puis ballade les protagonistes ... Easy ( collier rouge) , Sun (la petite ), Dark (collier rouge a Cyril ) , Tj ( collier vert ) Hunta (collier rouge) et Eirus ( le Whippet a Lety ) bon la mini Whip' elle est resté dans la voiture de peur que les staffies la prenne pour un lapin voila un mec qui a du succès ... "vous avez vu les filles comme je cours vite ! " la petite Sun a fond dans l'eau -
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
CACS à Dreux le samedi 05 Juin 2010 -résultats & Fotos
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de olenka dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
expo de lyon
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de alex69 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
HADES Silver cross cavalier errant
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milenko dans Vos Staffies / Van je staffordshire bull terriers
RE Samedi 25 Septembre 2010
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de POME dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
Let me introduce myself
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Rabid Staff's dans Qui est qui ? / Wie is wie ?
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
Voila les commentaires des juges sur cette journée et sur les chiens Mark Marshall - pour les femelles "Firstly i would like to say a very big thank you to the committee for having me judge your show, your hard work made the weekend a great success, it was a honour, a privilege and a weekend that i will never forget, full of good memory's. Thanks' to the exhibitor's for putting their bitch's up for me to go over. Positives The breed type that you have is very good in most and the the size of your bitch's were good with only two bitch's that i thought were too big and three pup's that will possibly struggle to make the size . Mouth's in general were good with again only two bitch's having a inverted canine, all had good depth of brisket and a good spring of rib with close coupled body's. Surprisingly most had good front and rear angulations. Your desire to learn will stand you all in well for the future Negatives Handling was very poor from most and will be very easy for you all to put right, toplines were poor stacked and moving , and these exhibit's didn't move well. A good amount of the exhibit's had weakish pastern's that would benefit from road walking to tighten them up. Tail's were a little short in some, it should touch the point of hock. Feet should be well padded with short toes although most didn't have good feet The Future I think at some stage if you put on a seminar on how to handle a SBT you would all learn a great deal. As for mating your bitch's i would recommend that when you look for perspective sire's you make sure that they have a good level topline as these dog's will for sure have strong pastern's and move well. When your picking a pup out of your litter you will see at about 7 week's the pup's that have good toplines and these would be the one's i would use in my breeding plan's. Kindest Regards Mark Marshall Marstaff Staffordshire Bull Terriers" Jamie Mace pour les mâles "I would like to thank the Officers & Committee for their hospitality & the running of a very well run show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day with competition being of the highest order. I would like to thank the exhibitors for the excellent entry and for the sporting manner in which they accepted my decisions. A couple of things that need to be addressed is inverted canines, short tail's miles to many, there was some very over done males in head and body and feet should be neat, tight and round. Handling was very poor which cost some exhibitors higher placings, watch what the exhibitor before you and judge are doing then your know what to do as well, you brought your dog along to be shown then spend a little time to show off your dog/bitch sometimes its just that little bit that will decide between placings. On the whole i felt the dogs out shone the bitches today and that you have some very good dogs that put to the right bitches will produce you some very good new dogs/bitches for the future. BEST MALE, BEST OF BREED AND BEST IN SHOW DILLINGER THUG METHOD DES GUERRIERS PACIFIQUE Black/Brindle n White - Cracking dog bang in the standard without any exaggerations. Excellent head and lovely expression, strong muzzle, round dark eye, neat rose ears, clean lipped, correct bit, good neck leading into well placed shoulders, correct front and well boned, tight feet, good spring of rib, level topline which he held free standing and on the move, good bend of stife, correct tail set, moved with drive both ways and in good condition, his coat is in excellent condition a credit to his owners and handled extremely well. Well Done. BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW DIAZ READY TO RUMBLE D'ULTIME PASSION Red with White Marking - Smart dog, lovely head & expression, well boned, correct bite, dark round eyes, neat rose ears, good front and shoulders,well boned, good spring of rib, level topline, good bend of stifle, neat tail, in good hard condition, moved & handled well. BEST PUPPY IN SHOW ELITE DE LA VAUXOISE DIT EBENE Black Brindle - Good head and expression, neat ears, correct bite, tight lip, round dark eye, good length of neck, nicely boned for his age, good front, good spring of rib, level topline, correct tail set, good bend of stife, moved very well for a youngster, in good condition for his age, all the best in the future with him. " -
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
Estoy Sondando de la Vauxoise dite Ebony
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Vos Staffies / Van je staffordshire bull terriers
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
RE samedi 4 septembre 2010
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de valerievick dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
JUBILE Nivernais Beauté/Travail
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de BIBI111 dans Expositions et événements / Hondenshows
amelie111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de rahzel dans Vos Staffies / Van je staffordshire bull terriers