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Tout ce qui a été posté par stevie
Cornsnake a vendre...Bebes,adultes
stevie a posté un sujet dans Vente Autres Reptiles/Other Reptiles
L’amibiase chez les Reptiles
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de Manu-superiorgeckos dans Discussion Générale Reptiles/General Reptiles Discussion
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Bonne fête STAV!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de Gab1111 dans Discussions Générale 'NON' Reptiles/'NON' Reptiles General Discussions
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Hey Justin,i think we are going to call it a night,so you can tell Gina to stop serving "Sherlly Temples" to the Money Hungry Morph Whores because i think they had enough....hmmmm i have the pics to prove it,please Justin judge for your self if you wish but my opinion is that they should stop drinking cause it is embarrassing to all of us in the lounge. -
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Sorry to say Mr.Pogue ,but i think Mr.Stav is becoming a" PUPPET ON A STRING".It's not his fault it is the "MASTER PUPPETEER" who likes to manipulate Stav and control everyone to a point of making everyone else do just what he desires and if they tend not to apply to his rules then he finds a way to make sure that they do with all of his propaganda crap.Well you know what ALL YOU TRUE INDUSTRIALISTS HAVE FUN WHILE IT LASTS,CONGRADULATIONS YOU HAVE WON A BIG PRIZE ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS. STEVIE -
The ( bienvenu la Revolution Thread ) Here in this post ....
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de Stav dans Discussion Générale Reptiles/General Reptiles Discussion
The ( bienvenu la Revolution Thread ) Here in this post ....
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de Stav dans Discussion Générale Reptiles/General Reptiles Discussion
The ( bienvenu la Revolution Thread ) Here in this post ....
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de Stav dans Discussion Générale Reptiles/General Reptiles Discussion
Wow now i'm really having fun being so immature,i think i should grow up to be a whore maybe i shall get more respect in the "LAME INDUSTRY" .It was a pleasure to you all who contributed to the Revolutionary thread while it lasted,but i choose no longer to display or go on this site or any site,i have much better things to do than to give my energy away to a bunch of "Industry Whores",yes i say "Industry Whores".For those who dont like it well i dont give a fuck .Signed Stevie AKA "FRENCHIE THE ROUGHNECK" -
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
And for all you Industrialists out there,this is for you.. .....and if you don't like my opinion or thought on this,well i really dont give a rats arse.Time to salut to all the real troopers out there who really care about this hobby.And for the rest of you's well got out in sit on your porch with your Mr.Freeze... -
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Stav,Stav Stav,I don't know why you choose to follow your shepperd like a sheep in single line,"Com'on all back to the stall now". I'm very dissappointed in your comments and even more dissappointed in the way some have been treated on the thread.As for saying that we don't know you,well i guess you can't say that for me,cause i know you.What happened to freedom of speech?What happened to expressing your opinions?What good is putting up a site,if one is going to get bashed around.Like i have mentioned several times before on many sites,this Industry so called crap of a hobby,is going to get served one day with a big slap on the face.Time to wake up you sheep,cause some shepperd will be eating all your wool of your back,but thats ok because when it will choke we as revolutionaires will be there to collect it .Ils faut que je te dit ca en francais Stav,Je suis tres ,tres mecontent de tes remarque et de tes attaque sur certaine personne denierement.For the child part,well your last post you wrote i wonder who is the child? . -
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Well put Mr.Duff,couldn't of put it in a better way.May i please add,that i hope this bill passes through,cause i would like to see these "Money Hungry Morph Whores" wiggle there way out of this one.For one they only think of them selves,two they only care about how much money it will bring them,three they really don't care about the conditions of there animals,Four they consider it a "Industry"(told to me by many breeders,etc..),five they misguide people with bad info...So all i can do for these Degenarates is hand them a box of..... ....and tell them to go sit on there porch and think real hard at what they have become and done to this hobby...Wake up call to all of you good and bad.Frenchie the Roughneck Maybe then ,these "HotHead Big Time Breeders",will have cooled down there puny little heads of there's to realize that it's not worth it after all,and slither back under there rock they so happily crawled out from. P.S If any of you feel pointed at,or don't like my comments,well feel free to contact me and i shall give you your two minutes to share your anger,then and only then you shall get a Mr.Freeze from me. -
Mes autres observations de la semaine
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de diadophis1 dans Herping-Nature
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Un petit update de black milksnake.
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de Nir dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Bienvenue à la Révolution!
stevie a répondu à un(e) sujet de D. Pogue dans Colubridés et Autres Serpents/Colubrids and Other Snakes
Hello to the lounge and it's respected members,a Happy Easter to you all. And to all you "Jumpy & Worthless" haters out there;I leave you these lyrics: The memory lingers on when You were the same as us.(Not) Three months old a child, Still you lived off love & fuss City baby,city baby,city baby attacked by rats! Residing in a squalid place, It can't be too much fun. Your brain is getting eaten away By the rat living in your Skull. City baby,city baby,city baby attacked by rats! A mutant at the age of one, A human rodent cabbage. It's hard to think a tiny thing Can do that much damage. City baby,city baby,city baby attacked by rats! The memory lingers on when You were the same as us.(Not) Three months old a child. You live off fame and greed. And still you worship,the mutant God's indeed. City baby,city baby,city baby attacked by rats!