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Tout ce qui a été posté par stevie

  1. Slim ta ben raison,je pense que le meilleur chose c'est de disparaitre et vous laisser vivre
  2. Quel professionalisme,clap,clap,clap,clap Big 15 Minute Standing Ovation,and this is what the hobby stands for in the Future give me a break thank God it is only the 2%.
  3. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Et oui tu te faite mettre a ta place assez vite mon Stav sur le telephone faque asteur prends ton trou et ferme ta callisse de grande trappe mon Hypocrite..... ,et pour le reste des membres tu va voir c'est vrai couleur a Stav un jour ou un autre
  4. lol Moi fermé d'esprit ??? qu'ecé qui faut pas entendre ...... je me demande si toi tu te fesais traiter de pute parceque tu aime ou aime ou aime pas quelque chose ou èa cause de tes agissements ou de la facon dont tu garde tes choses ? Yhea sure ..... i'm a kid ...... you are the first to jump on the barricades like a kid when something dosent make you happy .... please drop that .... If you are disapointed by the forum ....... well so be it ..... you are old enough and for sure as Merc Dubois said once to others seems u didint get the meaning of this forum . Rancor .... i just dont get it ...... people shit on other people because opinions and views differ from theirs and you guys cant take it when someone a different opinion .... I wonder who is narcissistic .... As for how many views or how many posts a guy does ...... it passes me 100 feet above the head this means absolutely nothing and I wonder what interest the is to check how many views there is on a thread or how many posts someone has .... its a thing that comes from time to time and i just dont understand the interest of checking this ...... And if it interests you .... it took me at least 30 views to try and understand "some" of the stuff on this thread because everything is going into a 100 directions .... so it tells you how revelant " numbers , views " id worth .... I also dont understand whats the problem of separating a thread that touches many subjects into other simpler subjects so that its easyer to understand or search ..... sorry As if I see anything directed to me .... go read the other thread it will answer your questionning .... Et encore et encore wow big standing ovation.A lot of good people left why Because of good old Sucage de bonte Stav
  5. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Hey Stav avant que j'oublie,je voulais juste te dire de pas oublie d'aller brailler a Grant comme une tite Tapette comme tu fait si bien...Sucage de bonte...
  6. stevie

    SuperBall python

    stav s't'un...pionnier dans ce hobby et qui vit dans un monde de mirages. ignorant pour l'opinion des autres,TI-JO CONNAISSANT! clap clap standing ovation
  7. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Ah bien je vois que Stav encore une fois a fait un idiot de lui,bravo mon Stav lache pas continue tes dans le bon chemin. ,A tout les interesser je vends mes hognose $20 000 et des corns snake a $8000 que Stav a produits.Ils sont tres beau pleine de couleur avec des cheveux frise noir.Unique et tres rare une chance.Alors je quite ReptiDick and the Money Whore for better things in life.Manu desole pour le Hognose a l'encan mais je pourrais pas te le serai hypocrite si je te donnais.
  8. stevie

    SuperBall python

    I guess now they are going to elect you as the Repticlic's ambassador ,for the negative part well i guess you shouldn't have started it in the first place,lol .for the pics part been there done that. P.S. I still think though Mat you should stop wearing those white pants,sooner or later someone will warn you why.Cheers Stevie "Frenchie the Roughneck"
  9. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Oui Noodles ta raison,ca vaut pas la peine wasting my time on a Troll...Not that my opinion counts on Repticlic There is a nice song that is fit for you created by my girlfriend,it was to cheer up Justin but i guess it describes you Mat to a "T" and why this hobby needs to rid of bad weeds
  10. stevie

    SuperBall python

    ZZZZZZZZZZ,you bore me with your intellect brain equivalent to a door knob,I guess your coastal gay or coastal fag mutant hybrid garbage you so call snakes must make you proud enough to follow everyone like a good old smelly sheep I think the newbie here kiddo must be you by a long shot,its all good cause i guess you still wearing your white pants makes you look like a real star.wait to go mat your my hero....Quote by Mat,:"let's face it there is no market for them" well i guess i was right all this time your are in it only for the money,good that i told you now you can follow like the smelly sheep you are,way to go vivre "Mat the Industrialist" wow you breed only for the money you must be so proud.For the big mouth part,ya i do have a big mouth when it comes to put retards like yourself in your place it's just sad to see where this hobby is going when comments like rookies like yourself make,they breed a few snakes,and do there so called reasearch on the net and presto they have become Ignorant pros in this hobby,thank God your only part of the 2% that will slowly fade away like all the rest...Have fun while you can.Cheers The good thing about all this is that i see you sweat the small stuff,that is what differs between me and you chump. P.S Thank you for calling me out,oh now i must watch myself ,what are people going to think of me,lololol Here i shall give you a defi why don't you put up one of your most expensive snake up for auction on Repticlic and i'll do the same,why dont you do that if you are looking for respect and maybe then you shall earn your respect from me if not well like i've told you before go ask your mom for a freezie and sit on your porch and reflect on what you have caused yourself today.
  11. stevie

    SuperBall python

    ' I think someone is still bitter because he had a hard on for my incubators & i shut him down ,I think i found the Mr.Freeze Mutant of the year hey Mat .p.S Don't you just luv them Hogs Et oui un autre membres attent du syndrome "PiloErection"
  12. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Yummy,hope it taste better than Mutant snakes,lol
  13. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Lol,Lol,Lol j'ai absolument rien de travers dans le cul,pour consulter ils ont essayer mais ca pas fonctionner,lol pour l"insulte tu ma demander et je repondus si tu peut pas prendre mon opinion mais just to bad fait pas de thread comme ca et ensuite demande pas au gens qoui penser vous."If The Hat Fits Well What Can I Say Wear It" et en francais"Si Le Chapeau Fait Met la" Vive la liberte exprimer. Amy: Si quelq'un me offre un Hybrid oui je le met dans congelateur au plus @#$% Je suis curieux de savior que penser les admin sur ce sujet....
  14. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Oh i forgot Mr.Bouchard is Mr. Goody Two Shoes,lol
  15. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Eh oui retarder de premiere classe,dans congelateur les estie mutant
  16. stevie

    SuperBall python

    Moi je pense que ils devrais crisser sa au congelateur au plus crisse.Quand je vois des retarder comme ca qui fuck le hobby et encore plus des estie retarder qui achete ca.Au Gallo tout c'est retarder,lol
  17. Felicitations,c'est tellement le fun des tortues boites
  18. Bon je suis decider je vends tout ma collection de Gecko Leopards:40 adultes,30 juvenilles,et quelque 30 bebes.Je demandes 3000$ prix firm.Pas d'echanges personne serieux.Me contacter pour savoir plus d'info.Raison pour la vente,manque d'interest dans le hobby. Stevie Redlion Reptiles
  19. I thought the Santa Barbara episodes would have disappeared by now,i guess i was wrong.I must have seen a Mirage .Cheers Roughneck
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