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Tout ce qui a été posté par Spankenstyne

  1. .....but somebody has to care for the less fortunate rancor indeed! It's been lacking. Fortunately I'm stuck outta town and safe from proving new pics of any of my Drymarchon snacks(tm)
  2. I wonder if the powers that be are regretting their decision with all the copulation, turtle-heads, & beaver shots going on in here... Love that railroad tracks shot, I can just feel the gentle breeze on my mug... Anyways great pics all around & count me into the pumped to spot garters club as well. I'm really hoping to get some bull snake shots this year & have been tipped off to a few places that will hopefully yield some nice pictures. Worst case is some nice prairie shots and that ain't such a bad alternative... This has remained the first place I look when logging onto the intervebs.. Thanks all for the eye and brain candy. oh and yes those are Russian tortoises. Anyone interested in the interesting and slightly comical behaviour that goes with those pictures can view a short clip I put up here:
  3. Fantastic. I'm really looking forward to finding some time this Spring & Summer to seek out some of our natural treasures out West for some RealSnake(tm) photo opportunities to share here. Unfortunately it will likely be without such dedicated company. I can't post without mentioning how beautiful those habitat shots are. With the foot of snow we got last night this is as natural as it gets around here for the next while:
  4. Great stuff all around. I brought some of these in from the US. I'm pretty sure they're hybrids but at least have some Crochetalus in them. In situ: Having trouble getting them to eat, some tips would be great.
  5. Is it just me or is it getting a little melanistic in here... Time for a little colour
  6. Jeremy, nice looking wee lodingi. I hear ya on the Spilotes. I was for all intents & purposes unaware of them until probably a couple of years ago, unfortunately they're illegal in Alberta which partly explains my lack of exposure to them... Some of the great pictures from the old VIP lounge and more recently here really show how beautiful & interesting they are. Now if only Spring would show up sooner... More snow here.... -AnxiouslyawaitingOprah-
  7. Oh hah, for some reason I missed the ladder pictures. Very nice looking examples. Dave Royans in the UK has some beautiful ones as well. Might that be where you're looking Phil?
  8. That's a fantastic shot of the Vee-beebee. "The casket" is kinda ominous, me like.
  9. Oh and x3 Melanie, Jeremy and Don... What great shots. Don, any fish or fish parts for the Drymarchon as well?
  10. Those are amazing shots as usual. Careful of the sweets though, all that caramel can't be good for it. I think I need to run this through a translator, it's not French though does anyone know what language he's speaking?
  11. "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. "
  12. Melanie, a certain Mr Hans Grabbenbottum sent a message along..Something about seeing some "Vee-beebees"? Oh and he'll be bringing that drink along shortly after...
  13. A few quickies of some of my favourite snakes in the collection: Even the king has blue days.. Likely due to "hey who took off the moss!?" Another blue boy Very rare shot without her yelling at me My only corn Argh MORPHS!! Even the "worms" are albino!... Taco filler?? What's wrong with it's eyes? They're....normal...
  14. Alex, impressive collection. Never have had the pleasure of seeing any of the species you posted in person. Sorry to hear about the troubles keeping the Drymobius, they're stunning. Great dental shot. Anything else you can share on the kukri snake?
  15. Bonjour Repticlic! My poor French has ensured I missed this thread until now, for which I apologize. I could be sneaky and post this through a translator, but I have a funny suspicion it will only lead to questions of why I use "the bleach" and why is it so darn tough to sit? Thanks for the generous invite, mes amis! The token Westerner, Spankenstyne Surely there's a quota being met here
  16. Vive la revolution indeed! Wow Don, a San Fran? I don't know why I'm shocked though haha.. Looks like I'll have to get to work on some new shots to share. Great additions everyone who's posted above.
  17. I think we've all been very naughty and require more of that sort of punition. What's with all the in focus shots anyways? Having some email troubles on the laptop (been out of town all week through friday) & unsure if I've missed anything but just wanted to add: Je viendrai au bbq!!
  18. ...and me too. Pool, more cyrtopsis photos if you feel like sharing. Love the contrast. Monsieur moyen vieux DP, not only does the planet need more of those... Seriously though félicitations, and hope you continue to share the progress. Is anyone else using the Alan Francis feeding method for "gardners"? (liquified fish + gelatin and some small supplements then frozen). I've been told the good Dr Phil also feeds his this way too. Don can likely verify that though. I've been trying it and so far so good, but on such a small scale and for such a short time and would like to hear of any thoughts on it.
  19. Love the marcianus here too No feeding pics yet but an impressive feeding response in these lil gaffers. Out of town on business atm so these will be my contribution: We've gone MORPH crazy... "Hey whatchoo lookin at?"
  20. Hot damn, Pugets! Nice to see such variety posted already. Not that I expected any different with this bunch of miscreants. Thanks Manu. Though I fear I still may have done something wrong as it all looks French to me still, but most of the roots of the words make it somewhat easy to figure most of it out. rancor soon you'll be strapping the feed bag to the little beauty. I second Jon's comment & also appreciate your style in feed bowls. I leave you with one of tonight's chow shots. Unfortunately much less gory but hey does it count if the food is melanistic at least? "Goins.....goins......gone".
  21. Thanks for the welcome Justin. A wee splash of some worthless colour The hospitable hospitality is most hospitable upon the welcome welcomings of said welcome hospitality.
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