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Carte des éleveurs - Néerlandaise

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Les éleveurs néerlandais du Muizen Forum nous invite à rejoindre leur carte des éleveurs.

Dino a écrit:

I made a topic on the forum about a map that I made with google maps where all the mouseries can add themselves! ( It's in Dutch so I thought that I would pm you so that you know and could maybe participate?
It is very simple, you have to be logged on to your google account and click this link;
Then you can push the red button to edit the map and 3 symbols will appear on the map in the top left corner. the middle symbol is to place a marker on the map which you have to click and place on the map on your location (it can also just be your town if you don't want everyone to know your precise address). Then you can put your mousery's name as the title and then a short description of what you breed and your website/email underneath Smile Then click 'ok' and 'ready' in the left column and you are done! Smile
If you don't have a google account or just find it too complicated, then I can add your info if you want.

Could you also tell this to your french friends, I actually know no one and I would very much like for all the french breeders to be on it to :oo


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Oh oh en plus Paris ville touristique ! Niark niark niark !
Je vais faire comme toi, je vais mettre "trips to houten"

Pfiouu j'ai eu peur... Je ne voyais plus aucun élevage ailleurs en validant, pendant une seconde j'ai cru que j'avais fais une fausse manip et tout supprimé O_o!

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Chouette chouette cette carte, les PAC sont ajoutés !

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