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Aphonopelma saltator qui est elle ????
tom12 a répondu à un(e) sujet de ced011 dans Demande d'identification
i believe this is the same species as i recieved when i ordered E. weijenberghi from a german guy. all 4 of them turned out to be the lighter form of A. seemanni. the 'best' way to know for 'sure' you have an A. seemanni is to look at the spinnerettes. if they or lighcoloured/orange-tanned then the species you have is just A. seemanni. (also the underside of the spider is light-coloured) -
Cyriopagopus sp. 'blue singapore' (Lampropelma Violaceops)
tom12 a répondu à un(e) sujet de tom12 dans Vos mimi en photos
Cyriopagopus sp. 'blue singapore' (Lampropelma Violaceops)
tom12 a posté un sujet dans Vos mimi en photos
i hope i understood al correct (my french is terrible). but the Cyriopagopus sp. blue isn't so hard to come by. they can be found for a price going from 11€ 1FH, 18€ 2-3 FH and even adults for 85€ -140€ (for adult females). not even that expensive any more. i have several of this species (as wel sp. I as sp. II). what i heard is that they aren't very difficult to breed either so... my own experience is that they can be extremely fast and skittish but NONE of my specimens are agressive, not the small spiderlings and none of my adult females. as long as you give them a good setup in the tank, the spider always chooses to run and hide rather than stay and attack... i hope this was some sort of help and i hope you all understand (or otherwise miss pulchra has to translate AGAIN ) Petite traduction : Alors elle n'a pas l'air si difficile à trouver que cela. 1 mygalon stade 1 revient en général à 11 euro. Les stades 2-3 18 euro et même des adultes pour 85 - 140 euro. Même moins cher. J'en ai plusieurs des specimens sp I et SP II et j'ai entendu qu'elles étaient difficiles à reproduire. Ma propre expérience : Elles sont ultra rapides et assez espiegles mais aucune n'est agressive; ni les mygalons, ni mes femelles adultes. Si elle ont un bon terra et de la place, elles préfèrent se sauver et se cacher que de rester et d'attaquer.
Nouvelle liste santoro 30/10/2006
tom12 a répondu à un(e) sujet de MissPulchra dans Ventes & Echanges entre particuliers.
it isn't in pre-moult, it still eats so... but i have for quite a while and it hasn't moulted yet. but i could easily be H. gigas, but i bought it as an H. ederi. i asked some specialist on the species and they said the entire species are such a mess (just as Avic's) that they couldn't verify it by picture so i had to wait for it to shed and send a skin for comparison but as long as i'm not sure what species it is i call it a H. ederi
Nouvelle liste de santoro 06/10/2006
tom12 a répondu à un(e) sujet de MissPulchra dans Ventes & Echanges entre particuliers.
RH means that it's an adult male, and the date mentioned is the month it matured (i hope Misspulchra will and can translate) (of in het nederlands: RH wilt zeggen dat het een volwassen man is, en de datum die erbij staat is de maand dat hij zijn volwassen vervelling heeft gehad.) so 1.0 ..... RH 07 06 means that it's an adult male of that species and it matured the 7th month of 2006 1.0 is male 0.1 is female 0.0.1 is unknown -
Citharischuis Crawshayi (Pelinobius muticus)
tom12 a répondu à un(e) sujet de terafoman dans Vos mimi en photos