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Tout ce qui a été posté par Nir

  1. Je suis un peu plus tard que ce que j'avais dit mais bon... L'important c'est que je vous les montres. Donc voici deux photos prisent aujourd'hui du mâle qui me reste. Il commence à prendre de belle couleur, mais théoriquement, il est supposé devenir pas mal plus coloré que ça. En bout de ligne, je me fou un peu de la couleur, c'est probablement le lézard le plus trippant qu'il m'est été donné de gardé.
  2. Great pictures Don. Looks like spring is here... I mean there... euh, I mean where you are... hehe... Still a bit too cold here... My guess is 5 on that "count the garters pic"...
  3. Trop cool Pat! J'ai hâte de voir les photos des petits courir partout.
  4. Good mec!! Content de voir ça! C'est pas mal cool des alterna! hehe
  5. Amen to that. But now, to get back on track. Here is a little photo essay of a sub species that is overlooked because they don't keep their shiny coat thru adulthood. Once they're old, they are considered jumpy & more worthless than any other sub species in this complex. I still find them fascinating for their size appetite and general demeanor. L. t. andesiana These are also a favorite of mine. The colour change is another proof that nature does some fascinating things. ps. Any other Lampropeltine fan out there?
  6. You know how to use words Mr. Rancor! Great text.
  7. Oh God what was I thinking when I bought those puny little Spilotes!! Thinking about it now, I won't be able to get rich!! Bouhou... I better get out there and buy one of those cool Bee. Then I can make money breeding something I don't like, everybody has, and is boring as shit. ps. "pioneer = Bert Langerwerf" THAT's a pioneer pss. "it is not what you keep that defines you, it is what you say on a forum" ahah psss. "Try to get a new 7 series with the money from a bunch of stupid garter snakes." this probably defines you as someone with no interest in reptiles whatsoever. EDIT :
  8. Nous vendons du Virkon à la grande ménagerie. J'utilise le virkon et je trouve que ça fonctionne à merveille.
  9. Sounds Great Grant!! Will be there for sure! Thanks for yet another show!
  10. La meilleure chose à faire serait de le relâcher la prochaine nuit qu'il fait beau. Donc pas trop froid. Ce petit reptile est née dans la nature et il n'a pas besoins de l'aide de personne pour y survivre. Bonne chance!
  11. "Ok look you yellow tail cribos, I'm gonna trade you this sausage plus this tuna fish can for that Moosehead beer. Plus, who want's moosehead really?? It's not that great... (Tries to steal beer fom cribos and gets ... a warning) " Lesson learned, always respect Dry, you never know when you might had to get your beer back from one... I love the shots Don. But the indigo takes the cake. ( wonder what that would look like? ) These snakes are just something else...
  12. Si vous en voulez des bonnes, je vous suggère fortement cette page :
  13. This TV show is brought to you by infomercials! "Always wanted a gartersnake, but just can't stand the fact that they come naturally in a wide variety of colours pattern and behavior. Plus they are not worth much, so you can not make money over them. We have the solution for YOU!! The new tessera Cornsnake!! It looks like a garter, yet is a 1200 $ cornsnake!! Get yours today for 100 easy payments of 12$ !! ps. pss. "frankly, I don't know how many turtles there are... hehe There are 5 for sure, but I see a couple others I'm not sure..." psss. "does somebody know what tessera means? Sounds more like a type of carpeting floor to me...."
  14. The following pictures were taken 24 April 2008 and they were my first 08 reptiles. All these pictures are making me lose patience!! Can you guys count them! First snake of 08. ps. "spring" rocks pps. "who's up for BBQs, Herping and Beer" 8)
  15. "beaver shots" just makes me think of the joke in Naked Gun : "Nice Beaver" hehe which is just weird! ahah Let's stay out of xxx... ok Don?? As for my picture, you are (obviously) right! hehe. This my first and only picture of Nerodia I plan on trying to change that this summer. ps. "Cryptic coloration" ps.
  16. Here is my pond contribution. Can anyone guess where and what? Probably the biggest specimen of this species I've ever seen.
  17. I agree with you 100%. Even if Garter's are by far the snake that I find most of during the summer, they are probably one of my favorite to observe in the field. What I love abou them is you can actually often observe them going at their everyday business without disturbing them!! Great Sistrurus shots Don!!!
  18. Great habitat shots Don!! I love the pine that's all bent because of the wind!! I'm hoping I'll get the chance to search this awesome habitat this summer... It's one of my goal. I'd really like to see Eastern Canada's only V****** (I can't give away the answer...) EDIT: After seeing the images you added at the same time I wrote the above message, I'd like to say thanks for these great photographys of another great canadian species.
  19. Beautiful snakes Don!! Especially that C. m. molossus ! I would not keep Crotalus in captivity because I would probably choose Vipera species if I had to choose some venomous. I agree with you that the venomous species deserve lots of attention since they are definately the most persecuted reptile group! Just try imagining the number of terciopelo that get killed everyday just for being what they are. Here is my contribution to the venomous pics... Vipera ursinii V. ursinii Habitat Shot Vipera aspis Vipera aspis Another V. ursinii ps. Massasauga shots Don ?? pss. E-Volution!
  20. Bon, c'est pas la première chose qui me viendrait en tête de lui crisser un coup de rames, mais étant donné qu'il était rendu si proche de l'embarcation je crois que le coup de rame était en fait une bonne idée... L'alligator à probablement pas senti grand choses et il va ptête se dire que les embarcations c'est pas si hospitalier que ça à l'avenir...
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