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Tout ce qui a été posté par Vlad1

  1. Weird patterns 06 farm bred Nicaraguan female healthy and feeding on frozen adult mice .She is showing some nice pink on her sides and belly. I took her cause of her weird pattern but no much time lately so I am downsizing my collection a bit Price is 200$ Thanks Vlad
  2. 05 bredeer male DH snow (het anery,het albino)produced by Dan Uremovic (Big Dan).I have him since he was a baby , healthy and perfect in every way. I have plenty of males and he is extra for me at the moment .I am asking 550 $ firm. For more information PM me or e-mail me at Thanks Vlad
  3. Vlad1

    Les dessous de la dame en noir

    Absolutely gorgeous boa Phil .I hope you will get tired of her soon ,then you will give her to me Cheers Vlad
  4. here is some scientific info: Vlad
  5. And another question why Pygmies make the smallest human race?Do the rest people of Africa look like them?They are even not separated in the island :?: An again the hobby is something that we do for pleasure it is not the politics someone to wash out your brain. Me personally I am happy to have boas coming from diferent regions of boa constrictor habitat.That is my truth and my understanding and my pleasure so I respect every opinion here and everyone should have his own.Here is an definition for hobby I found An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure. As this hobby exist similar disputes will occur but the trouth here is in hands of scientists or very advanced experienced hobbysts.I personaly have read 2 articles when they show the diferent sizes of island boa populations in comparison of mainland population even the diferent head shape if i remember well. I respect your opinion Stav and others but here mine is a bit diferent (which dont make me right of course :oops: )but argueing on diferent topics among the hobby that is something that keep you learning,that is part of the fun IMO Vlad
  6. I can't get this sorry. Again I am not agree.I want to see here someone that is bred and raised hundreds of diferent LOCALS and to hear from his mouth that there is no diferences between them :? So there is no diference between hog island and columbia either?Whatever and someone to agree with me that there is diference between different nations??????or we all look the same??? german ,italians russians they are all the same right????I dont think so .I am completely agree that some of boas that come from the region with the same geographic and climatic condition can look the same but that is no all the cases.Can we separate 10 colombians and 10 hog islands if we mix them together? And about that there is people that misrepresenting boas that is for sure but there is such a people everywhere in every hobby so I dont need to give up any hobby becouse of them. Vlad
  7. Stav I understand what you want to say and you are partially right IMO(we so many times discussed locality boas ) But before to start locality debate again can someone try first to define what exactly locality boa is? And why because some people wants to make some profit for selling felse locality boa for few bucks more(locality boas are cheap ) we should deny existing of local boas???.Me myself I admire a pure local boas far more than the finest motley or whatever else.Investigating local populations reqiures is a part of the biologic science involving knowledge of population genetics geography etc etc and there are so many example in animal kindom that show diference of size and colour of diferent populations .Keeping reptiles from diferent localities is just part of the hobby so everybody is free which way to choose Vlad
  8. Hmm Stav let me try 1. B.c.c-Trinidad 3.B.c.i -Honduras Cheers Vlad
  9. Vlad1

    localitée de bcc?

    this is the peruvian redtail by Barry Miller here is the link: Cheers Vlad
  10. Vlad1

    Petit post accéléré de cycle .... ;)

    Stav , man she is huge What have you done to her ? Vlad
  11. Vlad1

    Petit post accéléré de cycle .... ;)

    Hey Stav is that my ex-girl? Vlad
  12. Gyzmo Altum flora c'est un classic brilliant turqouise regarde ce lien pour plus d'information Vlad
  13. Thank You very much Friends Cheers Vlad Alex, among so many reptiles and nice people I completely forgot :oops:
  14. Merci a tous le monde pour les beaux commentaires Marc, presentement j'ai aussi un couple de White butterfly et quelques Altum Flora. White buttefrly Altum Flora
  15. Les deux parents sont produits par Wayne Ng .Voici l’histoire de leur première ponte a la fin du mois de janvier. La femelle le male Thanks for looking Vlad
  16. Vlad1


    WOW c'est un monstre
  17. Bonne chance !Cant wait to see if these patterns are genetic Vlad
  18. Vlad1

    Vlady look at this.... ;)

    Looking good Stav I am crossing my fingers for a good litter. Is that suppose to be Post Ovulation Shed or she is just shedding? About the Kahl stripes it is simply recessive as far as know and the hets could have a normal look.There is also a huge variation from full stripe animals like your superduper male to the limited tail stripe.I was told also that this line produce best of the best albino in the market today Cheers Vlad
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