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Tout ce qui a été posté par JSI

  1.'s like I stumbled on a huge multicar pile up, bodies lying everywhere. It’s quiet now, peace has been restored, all the world will sleep at night knowing Mr.Crossman and Mr. Woods are the pioneers of the reptile hobby in Canada............... that is the truth isn’t it???? Cheers, it was fun while it lasted. Jeremy P.S. You’ve won, sit back and enjoy yourself, you’ve earned it. P.S.S. Really you won a long time ago, this was just one last futile attempt to be heard. P.S.S.S. Which one of you wears the skirt?
  2. Oh I see, someone putting a little pressure on you Stav? Jeremy
  3. ................I don't think so. Jeremy P.S. That last picture is hilarious Steven.
  4. That was a very entertaining read Duff. Drymarchon are pretty entertaining feeders and a feisty one that smells food would be fun to try and get out of a cage. Anything that moves is food!! (See D.Pogue’s photo on one of the previous pages with his hand in a couperi’s mouth) Jeremy
  5. Your post Duff was a very good one, but this part in particular interested me. Some people would in the future hope there will be a “Sharp strain Albino Yellow Tailed Cribo”, and they will be able to sell if for the price of a mid size luxury car. The hobby has gone to shit honestly. The majority kiss ass to the people that run the forums and support the “puppy mill” breeders why? They want to build a name for themselves. Be “well know” on a premier reptile website in the US or Canada and you are guaranteed to sell all your stock of deformities before they’ve even pipped out of the egg. At least that’s what they want you to think. When some dicksmoker from the suburbs that runs an arsewhole of a store is the overlord of the “Reptile Hobby” well for me then it’s time to forget this crap and just sit back and look at my pets, yes they are pets to me. Not some baby crapping money making machine. When I sit back and watch them it makes me feel happy, no joke “happy”. It’s not a male enhancer just an enjoyment of something natural sitting in front of me, my own little piece of wild in my living room. Jeremy
  6. Very well said rancor_. Jeremy P.S. Read only P.S.S.that's what I get for not following the rules
  7. Jeremy, could you please cite your sources? You just can't come on here and make such a clearly biased statement about the "coolness" of such a boring, worthless species unless you're prepared to back it up with sereral "Google" sources! I know of one site in particular where the "experts" would show you all the "proof" you could want telling you that you're dead wrong. The "proof" would of course be in the form of a bank statement or maybe even the pink slips to a garage filled with BMW 7 series LOL! Don, I have to say I am NOT "alienated" by the latest load of Thamnophis pics, far from it! Some of those photos are the best I've ever seen of any wild snakes. Just amazing pics, and a few are classics of wildlife photography. I personally could enjoy a huge picture thread with nothing BUT garters . Thanks also for the Tom Petty reference, that CD is one of my favourites. The whole thing is about the destruction of art and music by money grubbers and self serving whores, the "Cash is King" types. Sadly appropriate and relevant to our hobby in 2009. Don should consider going into the music industry, he has quite a talent and has some very good songs about the destruction of the art of snake keeping by money grubbing, self serving whores. I like how when Jon ends a post with the words "Sincerely" he actually means it. Other people will use these words and it has no meaning at all. Jeremy P.S. Garter snakes are still cool. P.S.S. Cribos are even cooler,...................... well they're at least as cool as Garters.
  8. The book is a good read for those that want to see how the "industry" works. It's very interesting to read about the people that view reptiles as nothing more than a product. It changed my opinion of several "Big Names" here in Canada. People that just want to sell reptile and don't actually have any real interest in them, although they want the public to think they "care" Other good books are “The Snake Charmer” by Jamie James (I know Don has this one)( ISBN - 10:140130995X ISBN - 13:9781401309954) and Snakebit by Leslie Anthony (ISBN - 10:1553652363 ISBN - 13:9781553652366). The later has a Canadian perspective on herpetology. Jeremy
  9. I thought I would take a stab at this question as it came to my mind this morning while observing a coiled, sleeping Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi. It's seems from my observations that the scales on the upper body of these snakes is like you said, heavily keeled, however on the sides of the body the scale seem to very abruptly lose their keeled surface and become smooth. Jeremy
  10. I was thinking the same thing D.Pogue, Duff is a welcome new member to the VIP Lounge. Jeremy P.S. I like anyone that like melanurus
  11. I'd give up a bag of Pieds for a Coachwhip, that's for damn sure. Coachwhips have street cred for the goldtooth snake keepers. Jeremy
  12. The Coachwhips are awake? Still have not seen them in all their pink glory. So the "Ask An Expert Snake Breeder" is going to go public? That is something I would love to see. Should be interesting to see what kind of response that gets from the people that "read" this thread anonymously. They really should do something about that. Remove the conflict, fine but clean up the bad advice too. That's what makes people frustrated and irritable. Jeremy
  13. Who would slag on Coachwhips? People that can't be bothered to figure out how to care for them that’s who. The old, if it won't live in a bin with flexwatt I'm not interested attitude. Then the rumors start about how nasty and difficult they are to keep. It's easier to say something is hard to keep and "I" the expert am advising you not to waste your time in attempting to care for it rather than say "I" couldn't figure it out and failed trying. Jeremy
  14. The Liochlorophis vernalis is spectacular, such amazing fauna in our own backyard. Jeremy P.S. I'm very happy to see the "Ask the Ghost of Roger Conant" has been reborn. It was a great thread in the past.
  15. Thanks for sharing the observation on Rhamphiophis, very interesting stuff. I agree with the Drymarchon intelligence, I don't have much experience with them but they seem to exhibit a broad range of "thinking" and "moods". Jeremy P.S. Too whom it may concern, I can play too I know your "Team" is checking this thread daily.
  16. Oh yes, we (D.Pogue, Jon Davidson, LD/50, and myself) are all very familiar with the unwarranted moderation of our discussion and opinions. That's why we like it here; the VIP lounge is the real "Premier Canadian/Californian/World Reptile Forum" Jeremy P.S. I found Jon's recent debate on the anonymous contributors to be far more interesting than the topic that was in the original discussion. But as is always the case Jon was told to lay off because too many "anonymous" complaints had been made about him.
  17. Beautiful snake, I should get some photo's of me holding mine. I agree with the Black Tail - Unicolour(Canadian Spelling ) issue. If you look at the variability of these snakes in the wild the notion of having different subspecies because of the colour of the tail doesn’t really make much sense. It would be like breaking down couperi because of throat colour or D.c.corais because of the amount of yellow or head colour. Jeremy P.S. I thought the “other” Canadian Site was a bit harsh with it’s post stripping but that US one ( is even worse. A simple debate about feeding rates for Drymarchon where all I asked was for people to provide some credibility for their opinion got pulled. These “Internet Snake Keepers” don’t like if you question their opinion. Just smile and node.
  18. Very nice D.c.melanurus Duff, I'm a big fan of the Central American Cribos. Some more photos of those would be greatly appreciated by myself and I'm sure a few others. Jeremy P.S. Wild snakes are cool P.S.S. The mental picture of Corky in pumps parading a "Lesser Platinum"...........bad
  19. I wish I had viewed this thread earlier, I had two Drymarchon's shed within days of each other (Friday/Sunday) and would have loved to photography the tough skins to add to ths project. But alas they are gone, down the terlet as I do will all the sheds. Very nice grumpy P.m.lodingi Don, nice to see that their will be a flood of screaming little black demons for the true reptile enthusiasts to enjoy this season. Jeremy P.S. I second “Angry Pinesnake Magazine”. That would be a publication worth reading, unlike the ever popular “Reptiles”.
  20. Excellent field shots of our beloved Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. I made an interesting observation the other day. Notice the arboreal tendencies of juvenile Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi…………………well maybe not but it is a funny series of pictures. And some gratuitous cribo in shed pics. Note how opaque the eyes get. Jeremy
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